About Us


Zuo.center, joint office of chief executive. 星三国合作:中美日琢核心。中美日三国新世纪合作坐落在这里,以美利坚为核心,主导世界新格局。


Within world democracy, with China as part of it in world of God's peaceful.

since 2014 my dad bought me first tablet with aid of credit card, my life detailed by bundles of mobile video games. as to pc game experience, that much earlier than 2007, when dad appealed his alumni for help equipping me an adequate dell notebook for pc game. we dwelt among pirate games for years, a common phenomenon in PRC. when credit card improves our living much more, we shifted to steam and android platform. in 2 years we gathered near 30 titles in my steam account, while my google play purchases accounts near 50 bucks. with discrete choices we happily enjoy our trade.

now my most pastime spent on my mobiles, includes 3 android devices, a nexus 7 tablet, a nexus 6 and a ZTE. my dad visits me weekends, Saturday afternoon, Sunday noon. we gamed on our 32 inch LED. dad divorced with mom before my anniversary. their disputes usually mute me. dad more and more prone to sit my playing alone. when I urged him to try, he frequent excuse mood unfit. so I also rendered more time silently on my small screens. however, I didn't dislike them.

my junior school just awaiting months. then my homework likely loads heavier. thx God, my dad will guide my game and living upright while my mom, a teacher herself, will supervise my school performance. I hope in long run I live among them well.

my forever love in my parents' heaven.

in my uncle's first visit from his abrupt adventure soon after his graduate in southern China, he brought us a video camera. his fancy on new gadget promotes our family lives to new level: soon mom equipped herself a new notebook aid by her school; dad spent his rare bonus from job on a new FUJIFilm camera, 2 notebooks includes an elegant one for light video games. since them dad determined to seek life he deserves: digital and brand new online.

in my uncle's first visit from his abrupt adventure soon after his graduate in southern China, he brought us a video camera. his fancy on new gadget promotes our family lives to new level: soon mom equipped herself a new notebook aid by her school; dad spent his rare bonus from job on a new FUJIFilm camera, 2 notebooks includes an elegant one for light video games. since them dad determined to seek life he deserves: digital and brand new online.